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I was born in São Paulo, the big, boring and bestial industrial city of my country, Brazil. Iobtained my PhD at São Paulo University (USP) in analytical induction, a math, logic,statistical and philosophic area. I never work in this area…but, one day, walking on a Sundaymorning, I discovered that I could use my statistical skills to analyze malware behavior, like amath model. So, I invested my time in this area since 1989. Nowadays, I teach forensics atthe University Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) and I work with forensic analysis and malwareanalysis (reverse engineering of malware) as a free consultant. To escape from reality, in myspare time, I go to some place to practice fly fishing in the rivers that cut through themountains and I keep going to programming in C and Python my own pieces of software.

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Paulo Henrique Pereira

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