DURATION: 8 hours
CPE POINTS: On completion, you get a certificate granting you 8 CPE points.
LAUNCH DATE: June 8th 2022 (modules published on a schedule)
Hacking like Elliot from “Mr. Robot” is very exciting and frankly quite impressive as long as you have the right tools at your disposal, but what is more exciting is knowing how to build hacking tools from scratch utilizing Python! As hackers, we are constantly looking for new tools and techniques to fill our arsenal, as there is no one size fits all magic bullet to solve our problems. There is, however, a way to use Python to make hacking tools from scratch. Python is very approachable and malleable making it the perfect and powerful language to construct our tools from. Using Python, we are certain that our tools will be around for years to come and will only get better with time.
Who is this course for?
This course is for any hacker or security professional regardless of programming experience and job title. Maybe this is the key to unlocking a new position within your organization or advancing an already established skill-set. The more practical experience we are exposed to the greater our skills as a pentester become. Some of the greatest security professionals lack a programming skill-set. Yes, they can run scripts, but can they build awesome hacking tools that work? Even if you don’t know anything about, or are new to, hacking, then this course will give you the ultimate behind the scenes skills needed to advance in our industry. Bottom line, this course is for everyone and anyone with an interest in hacking or programming.
Why take it NOW?
The best time is always NOW! If not now, then when? Our industry is changing due to technological advances and persistent threats, but the tools are still the same, this is madness! Right now, you can start to change the trajectory of our industry and shape a future of innovation for years to come, and it all starts with a single step towards progress. Ask yourself, why not me? Right now is the best time to learn a new skill and let your imagination change the course of our industry towards sustainable success for generations to come. Nmap started as an article in Phrack magazine, and has left a permanent mark on the hacking community, I mean it was featured in “The Matrix”.
Why this course?
Pentesting and hacking tools are becoming really expensive and some are even out of date. Taking the DIY approach to building tools with Python not only ensures you have tools that actually work, you will also have knowledge that a lot of hackers do not have. Sure, they can run scripts, but building a useful tool completely changes the game and ultimately makes you a more valuable professional.
Course benefits:
What will you learn about?
- Python3 functions
- Security focused and forensic based Python dependencies and libraries
- Develop independent programs accessed through a focused framework
- New pathways in programming methods
What tools will you use?
- Sublime Text 4
- Vim
- Pycharm
- Oracle Virtual Box
- Kali Linux
What skills will you gain?
- Develop and implement well known programs used in hacking.
- Understand at a deep level how popular programs used in pentesting work.
- Know how to develop on the fly solutions to solve problems within a security audit or research engagement.
Course general information:
Course format:
- Self-paced
- Pre-recorded
- Accessible even after you finish the course
- No preset deadlines
- Materials are video, labs, and text
- All videos captioned
What will you need?
- Desktop/Laptop Computer
- OS (Linux/Windows/Mac)
- Python3
- VMWare workstation or Oracle Virtual Box.
What should you know before you join?
Basic understanding of Python3 is helpful, if you can write a print statement, you should be just fine. Basic Linux knowledge (being able to navigate the file system with basic syntax).
Atlas Stark is a security researcher at Stark Industries Inc. with 16+ years in the technology industry. Currently providing cyber security solutions and OSINT services to anti-human trafficking non-profits that aid in the investigation and victim recovery. He also consults with state-level law enforcement agencies concerning hacking-related incidents. He splits his time between California and Tennessee.
Module 0
Before the course
- Basic system and Environment setup
- Virtual Box with Ubuntu or Kali linux
- Python3
- IDE of choice (if they don’t have one installed we can cover that)
Module 1
Getting started
When building pentesting tools of any kind it is always good to stay organized. In this section we will be covering setting up an IDE for programming and defining our working folders for success.
Workload: 45 min.
Covered topics
- Installing Python dependencies and libraries
- Setting up the IDE
- Creating files and folder locations
- Creating files within the working environment and importing the libraries.
- Graded on how clear and meaningful the naming conventions are as well as overall environment organization.
Module 2
Port scanner
In this section we will be developing a basic port scanner and adding features.
Workload: 2h
Covered topics
- Socket libraries and connections
- Argument Parser
- Adding input functionality
- Adding help menu
- Nmap For Python
- Creating input functions
- parsing input to program
- Creating help menus
Module 3
In this module, we will be constructing a basic web crawler that looks for hidden directories and adding a feature that communicates with IP info API, which is a free API that can be implemented with ease.
Workload: 2h
Covered topics
- Scrapy
- IP Info
- API integration
- Using PyFrame
- Analyzing function output to determine effectiveness
- Output of accurate program execution
Final exam
Comprehensive exam covering overall methods and functionality of framework. Matching outputs to the corresponding tools. 16 questions on modules and libraries and 4 open questions.
Workload: 20 questions
If you have any questions, please contact our eLearning Manager at [email protected].
Nice course but a bit simple though.
Python Powered HF
Besides the Quiz, which was a little broken, I liked the clear way of communicating and the assignments.