Write for Us
Have you got an idea for the article but you don’t know where to start?
Or maybe your article is ready but you don’t know where to publish it?
Article Submission Guide:
If you want to publish it in our magazine just complete short form below and our editor Marta will get back to you!
NOTE: This guide is dedicated for authors that want to have a publication in our monthly magazine. If you are interested in guest post, the rules and requirements are different. For more details, please visit: https://hakin9.org/about/

All material should be sent in Word Format, size 12 font, single spacing. Article length must be 1500 words and up. Every article should have:
– Introduction and conclusion – All articles begin with an introduction. It doesn’t have to be long, 6-8 sentences are enough to present your topic. The same rule apply to conclusion
– Paragraphs: Your article should be divided into paragraphs which should have headings.
– Graphics: You can also put graphics/screenshots in the text. Please, remember to title each graphic. Graphics should be supplied in JPG or PNG format.
– If you would like to add some links, you need to put it in a special section (named On The Web) at the end of the article (after conclusion)
– If the article contains important and/or highly technical terms, it is a good idea to list them at the end (after summary or “on the web” section).
– Don’t forget about bibliography and references! Place them after ON THE WEB section.
– About the Author: Please add your photo and write a few words about yourself, for example: the author has been working as a computer network administrator in a large company for the past eight years and is also involved in developing database and Web-based applications, intended primarily for improving corporate information management
You can download the whole list of our formatting guidelines from here: Hakin9 Formatting Guidelines.
Don’t worry, if you will forget to apply some of the above rules – we’re here to correct whatever gets past you. However, by applying them correctly you make our job easier and as a result your text is more likely to be favorably evaluated.
When your article is completed, it will be read by our editorial team and you will receive comments and suggestions regarding the possible changes. Then it will also be sent to our beta testing team, which might give you more suggestions on how to change or expand the article. Once the paper is beta tested and corrected, it will be published.
Just send us an e-mail at [email protected]