NeXpose and Metasploit Pro Hacking - Hakin9 Magazine


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Dear Readers,

This new issue of Hakin9 Magazine is coming out today. I hope that my words find you well and in a happy mood. I hope that you will find many interesting articles inside the magazine and that you will have time to read all of them. All comments are welcome.


>>Table of Contents<<

NeXpose and Metasploit Pro Hacking

by Raheel Ahmad

You will be able to learn more about NeXpose, the great vulnerability assessment and management software available in the market. In the field of security testing or penetration testing, vulnerability assessment plays an important role in order to successfully penetrate into any network or system. To achieve this goal or perform the tasks, you need a cutting edge vulnerability assessment tool in order to assess the security of the target network or in other words perform vulnerability assessment.

Metasploit Pro Professional Use

by Raheel Ahmad

You will be studying in depth about the Metasploit Framework. This will also help you study the extraordinary benefits of this security tool, which also plays a key role in the exploit development lifecycle. Metasploit is the bread and butter for many information security professionals or pen testers.

NeXpose and Metasploit Lab

by Raheel Ahmad

You will be learning “how to setup” one box with multiple core hacking tools which can help you perform ethical hacking or pen testing. You can perform customization on these tools and get them ready for your quick usage. However, it will require a suitable hardware requirement so that you can run these tools together.

Hacking with NeXpose and Metasploit

by Raheel Ahmad

Hacking methodology basically needs a detailed explanation and for this you need a separate workshop to put light on this detailed and very technical topic. However, for your better understanding, this article will cover the core of the hacking methodology used by hackers mostly in ethical hacking and/or penetration testing projects.

 Basecamp – Project Management for the Sane

by Troy Hipolito

In this tutorial, we will dive into a basic understanding of Basecamp (a project management tool we use), as well as learn how to get up to speed quickly so that you can start realizing the benefits of the program, among which are centralizing communications, reducing the frequency of meetings, facilitating team coordination on projects, and providing transparency on timelines.

Tackling SYN Flood attacks

by Ratan Jyoti

TCP SYN flooding attack is a type of Denial of Service attack where many bogus TCP SYN Packets are originated. During the normal three way handshake between client and server the client first sets off the connection with a TCP SYN packet, which is responded to with a SYN/ACK packet by the intended server and at last the client replies back with an ACK packet to establish the connection.

Implementation Of Transparent Data Encryption (Tde) And Additional Compensational Controls As Alternative Method Regarding Encryption Of Pan Numbers In Microsoft Sql Database (Pci Dss V3.0, Section 3.4)

by Darko Mihajlovski, Kiril Buhov, Jani Nikolov

“Proper” TDE implementation should cover the 3.4 requirement from PCIDSS v3, where it demands the following: Render PAN unreadable anywhere it is stored (including on portable digital media, backup media, and in logs) by using any of the following approaches:  One-way hashes based on strong cryptography (hash must be of the entire PAN), truncation (hashing cannot be used to replace the truncated segment of PAN), index tokens and pads (pads must be securely stored), strong cryptography with associated key-management processes and procedures

Hacking Journalists

by Bob Monroe

There was a time when a reporter was called a hack. This term referred to their ability to hack away on a typewriter to create a story on a short deadline. Somewhere in the 1950’s, MIT’s Railroad Club adopted the term when they saw a cool use of technology. Railroads help to build the world and spread commerce across the globe. This was a proud term, a name for an action that you could be pleased to have been associated with. Then, somewhere that hack name started to be used for criminal internet activity. Today, a hacker is someone to be put in jail just for being called that nasty name.

Offended by Offensive Security

by Bob Monroe

The commonly held belief in the realm of digital security (cyber security for the new folks and media) is that the methods employed are strictly defensive in nature. Networks prepare for and wait for an attack, defend against the attack, respond as needed and maybe even report the attack to the authorities. If the attack was successful and not detected, the authorities contact the network in a reverse fashion. This process repeats itself thousands of times a day across the world.

Shouting at the Security Waves

by Bob Monroe

At the RSA convention in April, I met a wonderful European gentleman named Knud. The ‘K’ is pronounced for this name. Knud told me the story of a Viking king who was known for shouting at the waves. According to several documented accounts, this king would make it his mission to order the waves to cease at his command. The Viking lord was spotted many times standing on top of a cliff yelling at the waves below to stop. For what purpose, we will never know. We do know that the waves did not stop and have not stopped for any man beyond religious accounts.

RGB LED Lighting Shield with XMC1202 for Arduino

by Bob Monroe

This little board is powered by a Cortex Arm M10 processor, which means it has programmable functions but sips power. Don’t confuse the M10 with Intel’s M core processors even though this processor runs on 32 bit at 32 MHz. This isn’t lightning fast, however, this board isn’t designed as a graphics card. It’s designed to be a programmable LED controller. To program the board and run it, you have to have an Arduino board or you can use Infineon’s own XMC1100 Boot Kit.

Security in Computing by Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger ad Jonathan Mrgulies

reviewed by Bob Monroe

I read and review about 30 books a year on average, plus spend most of my days researching and writing about digital security. I’ve been doing this routine since 1989 so I have a so-so understanding of cyber security. Security in Computing took me by surprise since it looked like the average security 101 book I read way too often. This book is nothing like any security book I’ve read before except a few dissertation pieces I’ve picked up.

Enjoy reading!
Ewa & Hakin9 team

If you have any questions, please feel free to write me at [email protected]

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