Create Your Own Command & Control Tool with Golang


Unlock the secrets of top ethical hackers with this captivating course! Dive deep into the creation of a powerful tool found in every Red Team’s toolkit. Begin by crafting your server, then master your client. Experience the power of the Golang language, renowned for its simplicity, cross-platform capabilities, and speed. Join the ranks of elite hacker groups and security experts who trust Golang. Start your journey now!

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Unlock the secrets of top ethical hackers with this captivating course! Dive deep into the creation of a powerful tool found in every Red Team's toolkit. Begin by crafting your server, then master your client. Experience the power of the Golang language, renowned for its simplicity, cross-platform capabilities, and speed. Join the ranks of elite hacker groups and security experts who trust Golang. Start your journey now!

Who is this course for?

  • For professionals and students of offensive security, as well as for developers who want to learn how to create their own attack tools.

Why take it NOW?

  • As the cyber world is on the rise right now, we believe that every information security professional should have knowledge of this type of tool.

Why this course?

  • If you are interested in creating your own attack tools and not just using ready-made tools known for security systems, this course is for you. As most of the C2 created have the same functions as described, we had the idea of creating different functions, namely, integration with AWS S3 and Whisper function (data destruction). The code was written in a simple and clear way so that you could create other functions.

Course benefits:

What skills will you gain?​​ ​​​ ​​ ​ ​​​​​

  • Golang Programming Language and tool development.

What will you learn about?

  • You will learn to develop a very powerful tool using an extremely powerful programming language, fast, compiled and developed by Google giant, Golang.

What tools will you use?

  • Kali Linux and Windows

Course general information: 


DURATION: 8 hours

CPE POINTS: On completion you get a certificate granting you 8 CPE points. 

The course starts on the 23rd of October 2023.

Course format: 

  • Self-paced
  • Pre-recorded
  • Accessible even after you finish the course
  • No preset deadlines
  • Materials are video, labs, and text

What will you need?

  • Virtual machine, VSCode

What should you know before you join?

  • Basics of computer networks, programming logic

YOUR INSTRUCTOR:  Rausson Gouveia

I am passionate about Information Security, and I am very interested in the world of cyber attacks. My objective of taking the initiative to create this course is to show those who are interested in the subject of ransomware, how these powerful malware work.


Module 1

What is a Command and Control Server?

We will learn the importance of having this tool in our red team arsenal and why hacker groups have them, how they are used, functions, and objectives, among others.

  • The most famous command and control servers will be covered, the ones most frequently used by criminals, and what attack functions they have.

Module 2

Programming Logic in Golang

It is important to have the logic of how the Golang language works because it will be used to develop our tool. We are going to learn about variables, structures, functions, socket, constants, hash, client and server communication and much more.

  • variables
  • constants
  • functions
  • client/server communication
  • structure
  • map
  • slice/array
  • and much more

Module 3

 Developing Our Server

In this module, we will learn to develop our server with the following functions: download and upload, execution of obfuscated commands to bypass security systems, a function for executing PowerShell commands, if you prefer.

  • Our server will have the following commands:

    get (file download)send (file upload)cp, cd, rm, dir

Module 4

Development of our client

In this module, we are going to develop our client that will connect with the server, and with that we will have access to the victim's host. The client will receive the commands and will return to the server the content related to the commands (example: commands that we mentioned before).

  • Logical advances from Golang with focus on client/server socket.

Final Exam

Creation of new functions and commands based on the teachings of the class.


If you have any questions, please contact our eLearning Manager at [email protected].



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