about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, and more.
To spice things up, the author gave us 2 sets of answers: one delivered by him, and one by ChatGPT...
It is your job to guess which ones are his original statements! Hit us at [email protected] ;)
1st set of answers
[Hakin9 Magazine]: Hello, Jason! It means a lot to us that you agreed to our interview. Could you introduce yourself to our readers?
[Jason Ross]: Hi Agata! Thanks for having me. I’m an experienced security professional, and have been working in the IT/Security industry since 1998. I started out on the help desk for a telecom, then moved into system administration and network security. Eventually I ended up as a security consultant focused on penetration testing, and spent about 12 years doing that. I’ve recently moved out of consulting, and now perform internal security assessments and develop security policies for a Fortune 500 company. I’m also an adjunct faculty member at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and in my spare time I help out with a number of security conferences and competitions, including BSides Las Vegas, DEF CON, and the global Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition.
[H9]: You have big experience in the IT background. In hindsight, which technology was the most professionally fruitful to you?
[JR]: I’ve been very careful throughout my career to not specialize in any one thing, but to keep a very broad knowledge base. I think that’s been the most beneficial thing for me:....

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OfficialMarch 7, 2023Interview with Jason Ross