How Internet Censorship Affects You


Internet censorship is when users are blocked or otherwise prevented from accessing some websites or specific content online. It can happen at various levels and for different objectives. Regardless, users are not given a choice as to what they can or cannot access. What Content is Usually Blocked? Depending on your location, the type of content blocked varies widely. Some countries block access to specific types of content or services that might be illegal in those places. For example, many Asian countries will try to prevent access to porn websites. Content targeted for censorship will typically include: Peer-to-peer file sharing websites Some foreign news agencies Social media Adult websites While this might sound innocuous enough, Internet censorship is known to be used by particularly oppressive governments to prevent their populace from interacting with people outside their borders. When Does Censorship Happen and Why? Organizations like Freedom House track the increasing....

October 12, 2021
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