Guarding Against Cyber Threats: Tools and Techniques for the New Year

Feb 12, 2024

The Right Toolbox

Every hacker needs the right tools – programs and scripts – to help discover and exploit weaknesses in applications, endpoints, and networks.

An essential point to cover is: what is a hacker? Some conceive of a hacker as a criminal. Others think of hackers as dangerous. I like this extended quote from the site, “Hacking is Not a Crime.” (1)

“…being a hacker is an identity, lifestyle, and mindset. It is not a fashion statement or a movie character. A hacker is an inquisitive critical thinker who solves complex problems in an unorthodox manner. The means by which these are solved — be it social, financial, economic, political, technological, or otherwise — is "hacking"...We therefore assert that all hackers are implicitly ethical. It is not just the motive by which our persona should be characterized, it is the intent by which it should be. Hacking therefore, should not be a crime because hacking is NOT a crime. It is an ethical endeavor of exploration and problem solving that must be decriminalized for the betterment of society.” 

As you approach hacking, keep in mind the importance of staying well away from the appearance of being a criminal. The usual advice stands: get permission before hacking.

There are many security researchers who don’t get permission, but they have their own well-known persona that allows for some leeway in their activities (e.g., they have a business, website, social media....


Ross Moore
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