Github Code Scanning: vulnerability scanner by Justin Hutchings


  GitHub code scanning is a developer-first, GitHub-native approach to easily find security vulnerabilities before they reach production. We’re thrilled to announce the general availability of code scanning. You can enable it on your public repository today! One year ago, GitHub welcomed Semmle. We’ve since worked to bring the revolutionary code analysis capabilities of its CodeQL technology to GitHub users as a native capability. At GitHub Satellite in May, we released the first beta of our native integration: code scanning. Now, thanks to the thousands of developers in the community who tested and gave feedback, we’re proud to announce that code scanning is generally available. Code scanning helps you prevent security issues in code Code scanning is designed for developers first. Instead of overwhelming you with linting suggestions, code scanning runs only the actionable security rules by default so that you can stay focused on the task at hand. Code scanning integrates with GitHub Actions—or your existing....

December 3, 2020
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