Digital criminology in solving cybercrime by Anastasis Vasileiadis

Feb 7, 2022

Digital forensics is the application of research techniques to solve digital crimes, from viruses that hold your computer and ransom data to intrusions that redirect customers to alternative sites.

Criminologists can analyze the data available to help solve these crimes.

The criminologist can help you identify what really happened as well as identify the perpetrators. Digital "medical examiners" can work with law enforcement or even private companies to help them understand how they respond to an attack and what they can do to close the security gap.

What are the different phases of Digital Forensics?

Digital criminology is a science in itself. As with all scientific research, they must be carried out in a methodical manner. There are several frameworks that can be used when conducting a survey. But the following are probably the most commonly used and simplest to understand:

  • Recognition: In order to be able to start your research, you need to know exactly where to look. This first step determines where the data you need will be stored. This could be anything from mobile devices to servers. You also need to think about where these devices are located and who will be managing them.
  • Keep: you need to keep....

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