Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code

Jun 18, 2020

Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs appropriate plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files it generates a report.

Bandit was originally developed within the OpenStack Security Project and later rehomed to PyCQA.


Bandit is distributed on PyPI. The best way to install it is with pip:

Create a virtual environment (optional):

virtualenv bandit-env
# Or if you're working with a Python 3 project
python3 -m venv bandit-env
# And activate it:
source bandit-env/bin/activate

Install Bandit:

pip install bandit
# Or if you're working with a Python 3 project
pip3 install bandit

Run Bandit:

bandit -r path/to/your/code

Bandit can also be installed from source. To do so, download the source tarball from PyPI, then install it:

python install


Example usage across a code tree:

bandit -r ~/your_repos/project

Example usage across the examples/ directory, showing three lines of context and only reporting on the high-severity issues:

bandit examples/*.py -n 3 -lll

Bandit can be run with....

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