Android malware and adware threat is going to evolve

Jun 1, 2012

McAfee this week released it’s Q1 2012 threat report, which clearly indicated that Android mobile malware is on the rise. They reported 7,000 Android malware threats for Q1 of this year. Most companies working in the mobile security industry will confirm the mobile malware threat is very real, but now let us glance over what are right now the major threats to the most popular mobile platform – Android.

It’s well known that the majority of mobile attacks are targeting the Android platform (this includes ALL OS versions) through third-party app markets in China and Russia. The US however has always remained top for hosting the largest amount of compromised web content and this includes mobile web content. It’s actually unusual to find malcode in an app published on Google Play, but it does happen from time to time. Read more...

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