A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain Programming by Febin John James

Jan 23, 2019

I had a lot of questions on my quest to understand how Blockchain works. The important one was “How do I build applications on it?”. It took a few weeks of digging up, reading and experimenting to finally get it. I couldn’t find a short but comprehensive guide. Now, that I have some decent understanding, I thought of writing one that could help others. This is a light speed guide, I have kept only the important parts in order to reduce the learning curve.


  1. The Purpose of Blockchain
  2. How was the Blockchain invented?
  3. Introduction to Ethereum & Smart Contracts
  4. Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum
  5. The Way Ahead

The Purpose of Blockchain

Roopa lives in one of the remote areas of Delhi. The government of India has allocated her few resources of food every month.....


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