Why Small Businesses Must Value Cybersecurity

Sep 12, 2018

Owning a business can be one of the most difficult challenges ever faced and one of the most rewarding experiences in life. However, it is a process rife with challenges that stretch far and wide. From establishing a viable business plan with some sort of revenue generation in mind to identifying your brand and publishing a marketing campaign, there is little more challenging work.

Take all of this need and then put it on a budget. This is the life of a business owner; accomplishing the impossible with improbable chances. Thanks to innovations in technology, many of these previously arduous tasks can be completed automatically, or with the assistance of an online service.

The threat of cyber attack is rising

Over 80% of businesses were targeted by hackers last year, if you do not think you are a target then you have been unfortunately misled. The damage that hackers can cause is beyond reproach and the fallout from such attacks can lead to lawsuits and business closures.

Every business, regardless of size or industry, is producing data and has vulnerabilities. One big vulnerability is the lack of training, which can heighten the risk of being scammed, hacked, or cyber attacked.

Investing in information security is the smartest thing you can do

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