Who is spying on you? by DjiBestBuy

Aug 9, 2017

Who is spying on you?

The source that is used to spy on you might be closer to you than you think, it can be your wireless router or public wifi. The need to help you secure your stuff and keep spies out of your network makes us come with an example of network security that can work for you.

Firewall is a network security measure that happens to be the most common. It is defined as any perimeter device that permits or denies traffic based on a set rules configured by administrator. Hence, a firewall can be as simple as a router with access list or as complex as set of modules that is distributed through the network controlled from one central location.

The team from DjiBestBuy show us who is spying you and how to stop them.

How to stop them?

There are many ways you can protect yourself from spies, few will be discussed in this paragraph. The first one here is to use an antivirus program and make sure it is kept updated, this will help to detect any threat to your privacy and security. In addition, you are advised to safeguard your personal information.

Many people....


Hakin9 TEAM
Hakin9 is a monthly magazine dedicated to hacking and cybersecurity. In every edition, we try to focus on different approaches to show various techniques - defensive and offensive. This knowledge will help you understand how most popular attacks are performed and how to protect your data from them. Our tutorials, case studies and online courses will prepare you for the upcoming, potential threats in the cyber security world. We collaborate with many individuals and universities and public institutions, but also with companies such as Xento Systems, CATO Networks, EY, CIPHER Intelligence LAB, redBorder, TSG, and others.
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