⚠️ BETA ⚠️
This project is in the beta phase, we will be constantly updating the main branch, if you have found any bugs or issues, please let us know via GitHub Issues and we will try our best to get it resolved quickly.
More: https://github.com/0dayCTF/reverse-shell-generator
This is an Online Reverse Shell Generator that allows anyone to configure their IP Addresses, Ports, and Shell of choice for your favorite reverse shell payloads, this generator has functionality to save all settings in local storage, so that you can return to the site at any time and not lose any of your settings. All interactions and shells generated, never interact with the server, so no logs are created. This can also be used in real-life Penetration Tests and/or CTFs. All the shells are compiled from publicly available, and well-known one-liners. The team is constantly updating, so make sure to Bookmark the website.
Host Locally
git clone https://github.com/0dayCTF/reverse-shell-generator
- Bash
- Netcat
- Pwncat
- ConPty
- SH
- Awk
- Ruby
- Python
- Powershell
- Powershell Encoded
- Emoji PHP (actually....
- BlogMay 2, 2022Lupo - Malware IOC Extractor and Debugging module for Malware Analysis Automation
- BlogMay 2, 2022DDexec - a technique to run binaries filelessly and stealthily on Linux using dd to replace the shell with another process
- BlogApril 28, 2022ADReaper - A fast enumeration tool for Windows Active Directory Pentesting written in Go
- BlogApril 27, 2022Shhhloader - SysWhispers Shellcode Loader
Now supporting MSFVenom Generator and RAW mode for cURLing shells onto the target machine.