Pixel Trickery ONLINE LIVE WORKSHOP is ready!

Aug 21, 2024

Hello there! We are happy to announce our next course: "40 Steps" online LIVE WORKSHOPS. It's called "Pixel Trickery - Outsmarting AI in Image Classification Models." During our streamed live session we' re going to delve into in-the-wild tricks that beat these models and we're going to show you how to defend against them.

Adversarial attacks on image models are more than a theoretical danger; they are a growing threat to AI safety.
Hackers are already employing such attacks in various fields, from facial recognition to autonomous vehicles, and from financial systems to other critical installations. As AI systems continue becoming absorbed into areas of critical operation, the need for awareness and defense against those types is constantly growing. Now, with the rapid advance in AI technology, you can arm yourself with knowledge and skills to build defenses against such threats.

This is the perfect match for you if your interests lie in AI, machine learning, or cybersecurity—particularly against adversarial attacks on image models. The practical usage of this course provides rigorous experience. Gain knowledge in implementing and defending against FGSM, BIM, CW, and DeepFool attacks.

Don't forget to sign up: https://tiny.pl/yy7nmq6w

Stay vigilant and safe out there!



Hakin9 Team
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