Pinterest gift card scam is testing the water

Mar 16, 2012

Pinterest lets you organise and share things you find on the web. It’s a virtual pin board of your online and offline life. Pinterest’s goals are to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. Someone who uses Pinterest is called a ‘Pinner’. The picture-based service has though become a target for scammers and fraudsters recently. Twitter (malicious URLs) and Facebook (install an app or follow a malicious URL) are well known targets, but Pinterest hasn’t had the same attention until recently. Pinterest (Facebook and Twitter also see this pattern) however have only seen survey scams which at first ask you to complete a survey, which in turn promises a discounted or free product or service. This is in return for your personal data (and maybe a malicious payload drop) of course.That personal data is then used to target that victim specifically as part of a spear phishing attack. Read more....

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