Insiders vs. Outsiders: What's the Greater Cybersecurity Threat? | Infographic by Digital Guardian

Feb 10, 2017

If you follow the news chances are you've read or heard about a myriad of cybersecurity threats recently. Whether state-sponsored attackers targeting government agencies around the world, the rash of massive DDoS attacks in late 2016, the arrest of an ex-Expedia IT employee involved in an insider trading scheme, or recent lawsuits alleging competition-sponsored theft of intellectual property, it's clear that the threats facing sensitive data in 2017 are varied and numerous.

Defending against such a diverse threat landscape can seem like a daunting task, but by understanding the motives, targets, and methods of various threat actors, it can be made significantly easier. Check out our infographic below to learn more about various insider and outsider threat types and get tips for protecting sensitive data against both.


Insider Threats vs. Outsider Threats Cybersecurity Infographic

Infographic by Digital Guardian

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Hakin9 is a monthly magazine dedicated to hacking and cybersecurity. In every edition, we try to focus on different approaches to show various techniques - defensive and offensive. This knowledge will help you understand how most popular attacks are performed and how to protect your data from them. Our tutorials, case studies and online courses will prepare you for the upcoming, potential threats in the cyber security world. We collaborate with many individuals and universities and public institutions, but also with companies such as Xento Systems, CATO Networks, EY, CIPHER Intelligence LAB, redBorder, TSG, and others.
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