Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cybersecurity

Apr 17, 2023

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cybersecurity

Current advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are widely impacting the cybersecurity industry. Companies are increasing budgets for cybersecurity engineers with experience building AI toolsets to combat Offensive AI. Bad actors have found ways AI can morph its attack pattern, which has led to almost undetectable attacks. Attackers are leveraging AI to increase the efficiency of many common attack methods that companies face. These attacks have increased in impact and are now becoming life-threatening.  

The introduction and wide-scale availability of ChatGPT have changed the world in 2023. There have been significant increases in job postings for AI skills, with new AI services appearing weekly. Many large companies have identified potential AI use and implemented these use cases into their infrastructure. The demand for cybersecurity engineers with AI skills to secure these implementations has skyrocketed as AI becomes adopted quickly. Columbus (2023) found that “Just 24% of cybersecurity teams are fully prepared to manage an AI-related attack.” This statistic has gained recognition from industry leaders, which has led to a request for a moratorium. While moratoriums may be useful for companies that follow laws, many bad actors will continue to increase AI development and build highly skilled personnel to continue their attacks.  

Bad actors often range from unskilled laypeople who follow instructions provided through social media to Nation-State groups who conduct attacks on foreign countries as part of....

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