Fuzzing with Metasploit [FREE COURSE CONTENT]

Jun 25, 2021

In this free video from our course called The Art of Wi-Fi Fuzzing, we will learn how to perform fuzzing with Metasploit. You can see how it's done in under 5 minutes!

The growing Internet of Things is bringing more connected devices to consumers every day. These devices, like smart thermostats and smart speakers, are designed to make life easier. This creates new security concerns, since hackers no longer need physical connection to the networks linking the devices, but only need to be in their proximity, to send malicious data to exploit some vulnerability. Wi-Fi technology has big impacts on security, both in terms of perimeter security and client security. In this course we will discuss the security and privacy issues in today’s wireless network including WPA and WPA2 and also fuzz the scanning, authentication and association process of several IoT devices and non-IoT devices.

Why this course?

You will learn multiple tools and techniques in one workshop, and practice all skills in unique labs. This course will also demonstrate how to perform the actual hacking against wireless networks and highlight the top vulnerabilities. This course will offer a hands on opportunity to set up your own Wi-Fi fuzzing lab, perform exploitation using open source tools rather than just watching the videos.

Why take it NOW?

There are roughly 8 billion devices connected to the internet as of now and by early 2020, it’s estimated that there were 25 to 35 billion IoT devices worldwide; however, little attention is being paid to the security of the devices. That’s why Wi-Fi Fuzzing is an important and current skill every hacker and pentester should know.

What will you learn? 

Fuzzing with Metasploit, bofuzz, wifuzz, wifuzzit, libpcap, and other open source tools. You will see how to use them and combine multiple techniques to achieve the best results.

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Maria R. Neykova
Maria R. Neykova
3 years ago

Super cool. Love it. Good to learn something new today.


Vaibhav Bedi
Vaibhav Bedi
3 years ago

Thanks for your comment

Maria R. Neykova
3 years ago

Super cool. Love it. Good to learn something new today.


Vaibhav Bedi
3 years ago

Thanks for your comment

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