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  • Create Date August 28, 2014
  • Last Updated April 19, 2022


What is Reverse Engineering

by Aman Singh

Reverse engineering as this article will discuss it is simply the act of figuring out what software that you have no source code for does in a particular feature or function to the degree that you can either modify this code, or reproduce it in another independent work.

Write Your Own Debugger

by Amr Thabet

Do you want to write your own debugger? Do you have a new technology and see the already known products like OllyDbg or IDA Pro don’t have this technology? … Do you write plugins in OllyDbg and IDA Pro but you need to convert it into a separate application? …

The Logic Breaks Logic

by Raheel Ahmad

People – Process – Technology, your Internet industry is based on these three words as a base of everything including the software market. Think for a second and you will realize that the Software industry is actually driven from the keyboard of a programmer and in reality it’s the logic design by the programmer.

Playing with the Ports Redirection 49

by Davide Peruzzi

Whether you are performing a penetration test or that your goal is to debug an error in your complicated corporate network or, why not, to bypass control of a very restrictive firewall that does not allows to display web pages categorized as “hacking”, the port redirection is a technique as basic as it is powerful.

Detecting and Exploiting the OpenSSL-Heartbleed Vulnerability

by Daniel Dieterle

The internet has been plastered with news about the OpenSSL heartbeat or “Heartbleed” vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160) that some have said could affect up to 2/3 of the internet. Everything from servers to routers to smart phones could be tricked into giving up encrypted data in plain text.

Knowing the Heartbleed Bug

by Mirko Raimondi

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol described in RFC 6101, it’s used for managing the security of a message transmissions on the Internet. SSL has been succeeded by Transport Layer Security (TLS), described in RFC 5246, which is based on SSL. Developed by Netscape, SSL also gained the support of other Internet client/server developers as well and became the de facto standard until evolving into TLS. TLS/SSL uses the public-and-private key encryption system from RSA, which also includes the use of a digital certificate. TLS/SSL is an integral part of most Web browsers (the client side) and Web servers.

Reversing Cracking

by Andreas Venieris

Everything published in this article is just for educational purposes and for “white” knowledge, that is the knowledge used only for defense. Respect the programmers’ work. In general, use the knowledge you get from resources like this, to create more robust programs or better protecting tools.

Malware Discovery and Protection

by Khaled Mahmoud Abd El Kader

Very often people call everything that corrupts their system a virus, not aware of what viruses mean or do. This paper systematically gives an introduction to different varieties of beasts that come under the wide umbrella called malware, their distinguishing features, prerequisites for malware analysis and an overview of malware analysis process.

Ingenious Things with Kali Linux

by Raheel Ahmad

Backtracking Kali Linux will ends up in the last release of Backtrack Linux. Kali the new presentation of Backtrack Linux, the security distribution to perform security auditing and penetration testing and computer forensic analysis.

CryptoLocker Ransomware: The Crime That Can Be Prevented

by Dr. Rebecca Wynn

This week I received notification from a legal firm (after the fact) who had been infected with CryptoLocker Ransomware and all of their files where encrypted and held for ransom. Since they did not have backup shorter than a week their IT staff had recommend that they pay the ransom. They ended up having to pay $400 USD to get the files decrypted. They were lucky in that the criminals actually supplied the key and provided some technical assistance in retrieving the files.

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April 19, 2022
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