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  • Create Date August 28, 2014
  • Last Updated April 19, 2022


Mobile Malware Analysis
by Cory Adams

With the emergence of the Android OS into the mobile market, nation state hackers and criminals alike are actively conducting attacks against the OS and its users for information gathering and financial gain. A high reward tool in an attacker’s arsenal is malicious software or malware, which allows information to be gathered and extracted from targeted mobile devices.

Analysis of Zitmo
by Dhawal Desai

Over the time security space has seen a number of versions and variants of banking malware. With the increase in popularity and usage of smart phones, mobile attacks are becoming more frequent. Android platforms have been one of the most favorite targets of malware writers.

Pen testing on Android – setting up a lab
by Thomas Cannon 

The world of Android application security assessment is developing at a rapid pace. Perhaps due to the open nature of Android, the development of tools and techniques for analysing and validating security is very accessible. Even as this article was being written several new fantastic tools became available and it had to be updated.

Android (In)Security
By Dan Borges

Android is written on a Linux kernel, which implements a specific hardware permission model and runs all applications on a separate virtual machines. On Android, all applications are written in Java, but executed in a Dalvik virtual machine.

Web Malware Analysis
by Dhawal Desai

Web Malware Analysis is a way to analyse a website for any possible threat of malware that can either inject a malware on the client system (visitor’s system) or force a user to redirect itself to a particular server hosting a malware. Most of these web malware are mainly targeted for the visitors visiting the website and not the webserver. Hence, the best possible approach that can be taken for analysis to be the Visitor.

Increase the protection of dynamic websites from XSS, SQL injection and webserver dos-ddos attacks
by Stavros N. Shaeles

Nowadays the dramatic increase of using dynamic websites and databases to serve web users increase also the attacks in order to compromise a website or gain access to server and use it for botnets. I will introduce you a way to upgrade your webserver security one more level.

Bluetooth Hacking Tools
by Dennis Browning

Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP): Provides the data interface between higher layer data protocols and applications, and the lower layers of the device; multiplexes multiple data streams; and adapts between different packet sizes.

How to develop in Android
by Duygu Kahraman

Tutorial for rookies

Wavesecure Idea. Interview with Darius Cheung
by Aby Rao

Actually we already cover all android devices including the Samsung Galaxy, and will certainly be watching the market closely to expand support as quickly as we can to the various other devices – says Darius Cheung from McAfee in interview given too Hakin9

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April 19, 2022
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