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- Create Date August 27, 2014
- Last Updated April 19, 2022
- News Stories
by Julian Evans and ID Theft Protect
Identity Theft/Fraud – Self Protection Toolkit
- News Stories
- by Rebecca Wynn
Your identity is a valuable commodity. You need it to function in everyday life. You need evidence of who you are to open bankaccounts, obtain credit cards, finance, loans and mortgages, to obtain goods or services, or to claim benefits. But you may not be the only person using your own personal details, and your identity can be stolen and used by fraudsters who can impersonate you and take out various forms of credit or services, using your name. Your personal data, especially your Social Security number, your bank account or credit card number, your telephone calling card number, and other valuable identifying data – can be used, if they fall into the wrong hands, to personally profit at your expense.
- by Rebecca Wynn
- Proactively Defending Against Identity Theft
by Gary S. Miliefsky
ID theft is a crime that takes place when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception for financial gain. You might be able to protect your fingerprints for some time, as they are unique to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use but your personal information associated with your identity also includes our social security number or government id, drivers license, bank accounts, credit card numbers, cellular and land line telephone numbers, e-mail address, web site and other personal ‘markers’ can and will be stolen and in many cases over the internet.
- Proactively Defending Against Identity Theft
- Identity Proof Your Personal Data
by Julian Evans
Information is being collected about us every second of every day without us ever realizing what happens to it. Most of us don’t really care what happens to our personal data as long as it isn’t misused. So let’s go up close and persona by taking a brief glance at how you can protect your personal data if you are a UK citizen. Worth remembering, your data held in the UK is also shared with other countries, mainly the English speaking world i.e. Canada, New Zealand USA, South Africa and Australia to name a few. The credit reporting agencies share this data with these countries and in particular when people migrate to these countries. Every country has its own data protection laws but for the benefit of this article we will concentrate on the UK.
- Identity Proof Your Personal Data
- Ask The Social-Engineer: How do Identity Thieves Use Social Engineering Skills?
by Christopher Hadnagy
This is a good question. There are quite a few ways that social engineering is used by malicious identity thieves, let me name just a few methods that are used and then you will see how they do their deeds.
- Ask The Social-Engineer: How do Identity Thieves Use Social Engineering Skills?
- Phishing
by Harshad Mehta
As the world of cyber space evolved, so did the various beleaguered complications. Nothing it seems comes without a loophole. The reach of internet in banking and shopping domain has increased exponentially in the past decade and so has the innocuous attempts at gaining perfidious and pervert secret access to the various interacting channels of information and data. Of all the internet based attacks targeted at networks, phising has evolved at a major threat to clients and companies alike. The biggest victims have been the banking sector, the online shopping and auction sites coming a close second.
- Phishing
- Design Flaws in IP Surveillance Cameras – Exploiting Web Interfaces
by Aditya K Sood and Bipin Gajbhiye
IP surveillance cameras are used extensively for monitoring of live targets. However, inherent design of web interface of IP surveillance cameras suffers from various flaws. This paper sheds light on the vulnerabilities that exist in the design and deployment of web application interface of IP surveillance cameras. This paper is an outcome of the extensive testing of the deployed IP surveillance cameras in the live environment as a part of the open research.
- Design Flaws in IP Surveillance Cameras – Exploiting Web Interfaces
- Nessus Basics
by Mohsen Mostafa Jokar
The „Nessus” Project was started by Renaud Deraison in1998, Nessus was not the first free open-source vulnerability scanner but it is the most ubiquitous open source scanner. On October 5, 2005, Tenable Network Security changed Nessus 3 to a proprietary license. Organizations could now pay for reliable assistance or a fully supported appliance to operate their Nessus scanner. Nessus is a robust vulnerability scanner that is well suited for large enterprise networks
- Nessus Basics
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