Creating a Django API using Django Rest Framework APIView by Esir Kings

Mar 8, 2019

An API(Application Programming Interface) is a software that allows two applications to talk to each other. In this blog, we will be creating an API that allows clients to create and read articles just like Medium blog post. We will explore different ways to create a Django Rest Framework(DFR) API in a 3 part series starting with a plain APIView(PART 1) then using GenericAPIView(PART 2) and finally using ViewSets(PART 3).

The final source code of what we will be creating can be found on GitHub .
I will also be using pipenv for my development environment management i.e things like creating a virtual environment and installing packages.

So in the terminal, create a directory and give it any descriptive name; I will name mine MediumClone. mkdir MediumClone is the command to use for the above process. Next, cd into the project folder that you have created and install Django by typing

pipenv install django

You should be having these files now in your folder.


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