Carberp Trojan stealing Ukash e-cash vouchers

Jan 25, 2012

The Carberp Trojan is targeting Facebook users in an attempt to steal login credentials.
Carberp allows its developers to anonymously exploit Facebook users who use Ukash e-cash
vouchers. Carberp replaces a user Facebook page and redirects (using a MitB attack vector)
the user to a fake page notifying the user that their Facebook account is locked. The user is
asked for personal information including a Ukash 20 Euro to unlock the account. The page
claims the e-cash voucher will be added to the Facebook account; however it is transferred
to the Carberp bot master which then uses it to convert into cash. Ukash like most e-cash
voucher systems offers anonymity, so it’s easy for the fraudsters to sell the e-cash vouchers
anywhere anytime without being traced.

Source: ID Theft Protect

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