Caller ID spoofing isn’t a lost art just yet folks

Mar 20, 2012

Caller ID spoofing (this is an old social engineering trick actually) is where a hacker causes a recipient’s phone to display a Caller ID number that appears to originate from a legitimate business or individual from your contact list. Fraudsters are always looking for new opportunities and with the rise of mobile use, they now have an added attack platform. Phone-calling (and most prominent right now and into the future will be mobile) mobile social engineering scams* are an easy way to extract customer and financial details to commit account takeover. Why would you doubt a number possibly stored in your contact book?

A recent study highlighted more than 1 million fraudulent calls were received in the US in the second half of 2011. Quite amazing that these stats were recorded, so what about those that were not recorded? Have any of you been victims of Caller ID spoofing? Read more...

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